Veyron vs LaFerrari Vmax200 Evomax in a Drag Race
Check out this video of a Veyron vs LaFerrari Vmax200 Evomax in a Drag Race!
As if it isn’t rare enough to see a Bugatti Veyron and 2014 LaFerrari on separate occasions, just imagine seeing both together and lined up for a massive drag race no less. That’s just what happened late last year at the Vmax200 EVOmax in London, where we saw both ultra-rare hypercars square off in the most epic of drag races.This unique event gives drivers the chance to join the 200-mph club on a two-mile stretch of open runway with some of the fastest cars on the road.
The best part is that this multimillionaire race was caught on video with the Ferrari and Bugatti going head to head at least twice. This video shows the cars taking off from a dead start before rounding a turn and hitting the wide-open runway where the cars can hit their 200-plus-mph speeds, but it’s unclear what speed they are going in this video.
While the race was far from scientific, the hybridized LaFerrari gets the best of the Veyron both times. With only 950 horsepower, the Ferrari is underpowered compared to the Bugatti’s 1,200-horsepower output, but it also weighs about 1,100 pounds less and is far more advanced.
Information provide by: Source: The SuperCar Driver